Sunday, July 14, 2013

Review: Let's try the Tangle Teezer!

Hair Type: Long and thick, falling a few inches past my armpit. I have been dying my hair for the past four years, but it is shiny and healthy looking. Tangles very, very easy, especially after sleeping.

Hair Care: I shower *almost* daily, using both shampoo and conditioner. My staple products are the New Shampoo Bar from LUSH and Color Me Happy Conditioner from Herbal Essences. I comb through my hair when conditioning with either my fingers or a conditioning comb. I usually use my Start Style Finish Frizz Free Brush from Goody to wet brush my hair. I VERY RARELY use heat treatments on my hair (curling/flat irons, hair dryers.)

The Product: The Tangle Teezer can be found at for approx. $15.41 plus S&H; can also be purchased at Urban Outfitters.

I received the Tangle Teezer as a gift or my birthday. After hearing rave reviews from YouTubers and fashion bloggers, the Teezer seemed like the answer to my problems! But, is it?

The Original in Pink Fizz.

Though the back of the box says to wash hair first, I had heard tell that the Teezer could be used on dry hair as well. Directly after waking up, I attempted to use the brush on my knotted and frizzed bird's nest, only to find that it made things worse. It tugged and pulled, eventually making my hair even more frizzy, giving it a severe split end look. If this was the look I had been going for (and, yes, some days I want a flyaway fan of hair) it wouldn't have been such a big deal. This was not the case. 

The next order of business was to try the Teezer after washing my hair. I followed my normal regimen for washing my hair, followed by a nice towel dry. At this point my hair is still wet, but not soaking. I brushed one side of my hair with the Teezer, experiencing a more toned down pulling and tugging, as compared to my normal hair brush. The product is supposed to be pain free, but this was not the case for me. I brushed the other side of my head with my normal brush for comparison. They each took about the same time to "detangle" and had about the same amount of pull, especially on the tough knots in the lower layers that are closest to the nape of my neck. The only plus is since the Teezer has so many individual teeth, it separates the hair so it dries faster than the hair that was done with a normal brush.
Close up of bristles - the entire product is hard plastic.

B's Verdict: I am not saying that every internet guru that loves this product is wrong, but this product was not the miracle my hair needed. It seems like a lot of hype for something that does the same thing as all my other brushes. I feel bad, also, as the gift giver really felt this was going to do much more for me, so upon hearing my critique, she was a bit upset. This product will probably be most useful in the winter, so it will dry easier and my hair will be less apt to freeze into hairsicles. Other than that, I'm not in any hurry to toss out all my other brushes for the Teezer. It's just aight. 


Disagree? Let me know what the Teezer did for you. Am I doing it wrong, or...?

Looking towards our next meeting.


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